2010年6月15日 星期二

Crystal report 工具列圖示不見了

Crystal report 的工具列圖示不見第一個想到的一定是檢查 crystalreportviewsXX 這個資料夾在不在網頁根目錄下!
但這次我是從XI R2 升到 SP4而已,資料夾它也自動幫我更名了,但開啟網頁就是找不到!


How to Fix crystal report viewer missing toolbar icons (CRXI-R2)

1) Locate images folder of crystal report viewer toolbar in web server (in development PC, it』s C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\3.5\crystalreportviewers115)
2) Create C:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client\ System_Web\2_0_50727 folder if it does not exist
3) Copy crystalreportviewers115 folder includes sub-folders and files to the folder created in step 2), verify crystalreportviewers115 has enough rights for SYSTEM and ASP.NET account to read and execute
4) In IIS, right click the previously defined web site name, create a virtual directory called aspnet_client and map its physical directory to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client.
The newly created virtual directory should be at the same level as the bin directory.

